Physiotherapy literally means healing through movement. Physiotherapy is used in a wide range of problems and conditions: from sprains, headaches, pain in the spine (disc disease, lumbago, stiffness), sports injuries, tendinitis, strain and curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, stenosis etc..), herniated disc, post operating conditions, deforming arthrosis (coke and gonarthrosis) after endoprosthesis (placing artificial joint) and others.
Also treat many orthopedic conditions such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis and golf elbow injury connections of various joints, irregular gait, fractures (postoperative phase), pain in the shoulder joint and others.
Currently physiotherapy is divided into local and global.
- LOCAL - in which all interactions are taken directly to the affected organ and the choice of exactly what therapy to apply depends on the functional status and specific purpose.
- GENERAL - exercises for body parts which are not covered by the disease.
Methods of physiotherapy
Methods of physical therapy are very effective specialized ways of diagnosis and treatment, which use specific techniques, based on the latest knowledge of anatomy and physiology, designed to remove specific dysfunctions: proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; McKenzie; Method Bobath (Bobath); Vojta method (Vojta); Kaltenborn-Evjenth.
The most commonly used medical procedures and modalities are:
- Manual (hands) therapy: a specialized and manipulative massage
- Influence of pain: use of cryotherapy (using ice), soft heat, ultrasound, laser and other
- Therapeutic exercises: designed to strengthen, stabilize, stretch shortened structures to achieve a painless range of motion
- Correction of posture (with postural disorders): correction of musculoskeletal injuries